These Are Bones and We Imagine and Remember Their Bodies*:
Crawl and Close Your Eyes.
As the ending of summer crawls into every crevice of my skin, the two-day show Crawl and Close Your Eyes prompted an even deeper nostalgia than the one already lingering in the soft late August air. The artists Jake Santos, Megan Bierman-Brophy, Sarah Avolio, Laaya Tabei, and Danielle Vincent worked alongside Reiley Whelen, former curator, to bring this show to light.
Life is humorous and cyclical. Often times things will speak for themselves; I too write this in an attempt to commemorate and preserve a fleeting show about fleeting feelings, memories, objects, relationships, even very bad days**. “I have been here before”, Whelen writes – the blurry and unfocused perspective that these artists give to their pieces gaslight me into thinking that I have experienced what prompted the realization of these paintings too. Or perhaps I have, and I recently learned that where memory fails, imagination exists; Vincent’s empty wooden box with a red inner fabric haunts me as I remember my aunt’s jewelry box that she has kept since she was 15. As I tell my mom about the show, she replied back to Santos’ painting of an older figure combing a little girl’s hair with “just how I would do yours.” Avolio’s glass door reminds me of the kitchen door at my parents’ house, and I have too watched a lover from the backseat of the car like in Tabei’s small paintings mounted on rocks.
In our current fast paced environment where we are constantly moving onto the next “big thing”, this show provided a space to breath, sit, and celebrate what we have already lived. Summer is ending. We are filled with reminiscences. Nostalgia will forever be inevitable. If these are bones, we will always imagine and remember their bodies. Yet, we must not forget to devour them while we live in them.
* Whelen, R.
** Reference to Bierman-Brophy’s piece.
Written by kr.